Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors

Client: Schott AG - Flat Glass / Country: Germany

How do you showcase both visibility and cost savings? By crafting a key visual that captures it all.

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Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors
Highlighting Dual Benefits with Visual Impact

Termofrost’s chiller and freezer doors offer two standout advantages: enhanced visibility and cost efficiency. Our task was to create a key visual that communicated both benefits effectively. Balancing these distinct qualities proved to be a creative challenge, requiring a design that was both visually striking and informative.

Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors
Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors
A Clear and Cost-Saving Solution

After exploring various approaches, we arrived at the perfect solution—a visual concept that seamlessly blended the clarity of visibility with the practicality of cost savings. Paired with the slogan, "Don’t let the cold escape!" the final design captures the essence of Termofrost’s innovative doors, delivering a message that resonates with their audience.

Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors
Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors
Clear Savings with Termofrost Doors